Title: Devil’s Quoits Hotel
Institute: Oxford Brookes University
Studio: Unit K
Landscape is a captivating system that connects everything and everyone. This year Unit K will continue to explore the British countryside and search for the signs of time woven into the fabric of the land: from prehistory to the present day. We will trust what Andrei Tarkovsky calls subjective logic, “the thought, the dream, the memory - instead of the logic of the subject”. Film, our crucial tool, is not a system of representation, but a form of active consciousness that will allow us to observe and process reality.
Our site for this year will be a patch of the English countryside within which one can find a tiny island, a lake, a Neolithic stone circle, an industrial site, a cemetery, a cricket club, a manor. Surrounding Devil’s Quoits Stone Circle near Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire is a site so multi-layered and intricate that it offers an incredible opportunity for the exploration of human relationship with time and natural environments.
You will imagine a hotel: a place for everyone and no one, a place where love and horror meet, a jubilant and exciting place where memories are created, but also a transitional place without any emotional attachment whatsoever. A hotel is a place from which to experience and view a breath-taking landscape, but also a deeply introverted world where one can find total isolation.
Institute: Oxford Brookes University
Studio: Unit K
Landscape is a captivating system that connects everything and everyone. This year Unit K will continue to explore the British countryside and search for the signs of time woven into the fabric of the land: from prehistory to the present day. We will trust what Andrei Tarkovsky calls subjective logic, “the thought, the dream, the memory - instead of the logic of the subject”. Film, our crucial tool, is not a system of representation, but a form of active consciousness that will allow us to observe and process reality.
Our site for this year will be a patch of the English countryside within which one can find a tiny island, a lake, a Neolithic stone circle, an industrial site, a cemetery, a cricket club, a manor. Surrounding Devil’s Quoits Stone Circle near Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire is a site so multi-layered and intricate that it offers an incredible opportunity for the exploration of human relationship with time and natural environments.
You will imagine a hotel: a place for everyone and no one, a place where love and horror meet, a jubilant and exciting place where memories are created, but also a transitional place without any emotional attachment whatsoever. A hotel is a place from which to experience and view a breath-taking landscape, but also a deeply introverted world where one can find total isolation.