Title: Fleeting Remnants
Name: Paolo Barkett
Voiceover: Paolo Barkett
Sound: Various
A journey through the realms of memory, Fleeting Remnants encompasses a plethora of approaches in recording, creating and re-establishing the concept of commemoration. From recording preconceived conditions of a forest, establishing the viewpoints that once existed from a sniper outpost, and the decommissioning of a series of war memorials. This cumulation of forensic research and construction questions the way collective memories can be manipulated and shifted.
Name: Paolo Barkett
Voiceover: Paolo Barkett
Sound: Various
A journey through the realms of memory, Fleeting Remnants encompasses a plethora of approaches in recording, creating and re-establishing the concept of commemoration. From recording preconceived conditions of a forest, establishing the viewpoints that once existed from a sniper outpost, and the decommissioning of a series of war memorials. This cumulation of forensic research and construction questions the way collective memories can be manipulated and shifted.