During a year long student project an enormous amount of films are made. This page brings together some of the process work from 2023-2024 that didn’t make it into the final student presentations, or what is shown in the ‘projects’ section of this site.
I am an Eye (2023) by Tongling Hu
Backyard (2023) by Alisa Kutsenko
Tectonics of Temptation (2023) by Agnese Pazzi
Temporality of a Mark (2023) by Caroline Cremona
The Word ‘Time’ (2023) by Ziyang Gao
Secrecy of the Dark (2023) by Renate Baumante
I am an Eye (2023) by Tongling Hu
Backyard (2023) by Alisa Kutsenko
Tectonics of Temptation (2023) by Agnese Pazzi
Temporality of a Mark (2023) by Caroline Cremona
The Word ‘Time’ (2023) by Ziyang Gao
Secrecy of the Dark (2023) by Renate Baumante